New Year, New Ticketing System

31st December, 2022

Moving into 2023 what’s top of your list of business resolutions? We all make them, whether it’s creating a brand-new event for the year, keeping more in touch with your customers, boosting visitor numbers by 10% or enhancing your digital presence.

Well, here’s the good news, we can help you. Heading into 2023, having a cutting-edge ticketing solution is a must. Customers expect to be able to book online, so whether you haven’t got a system at all or you’re thinking about changing things up then DigiTickets is for you.

So, why an online ticketing system?

Providing our services to over 1000 venues across the UK, since 2008, we like to think we know a thing or two about online ticketing. With 2023 looking like another incredible year for UK staycations, having an up-to-date, online ticketing system is a must. For the consumer, there is a growing expectation to be able to book online.

But, online ticketing isn't just convenient for the consumer, it's convenient for you too. If you looked into the industry say ten or twenty years ago, online bookings weren't particularly prominent. Imagine the horror, of having to run an attraction with only walk-up visitors. Never knowing what to expect on any given day. By having your customers book online, (research shows this is up to 80%) you'll be able to plan ahead. That means appropriate staffing levels and retail stock or catering levels will be much easier to predict. You can simply pull reports each week, day, hour or minute (if you fancy) in order to be able to prepare for the next busy day.

What to look for in an online ticketing system


Whilst it's true, the technology is important. Having great support is essential. The tourism industry works seven days a week, so your support needs to be available when your working. Plus, when a business-critical issue arises you need someone at the end of the phone, whatever the time.

What's more, a relationship with the company you work with can transform into a true partnership. Working with a software provider that grows with you can be beneficial to your relationship. Working in a consultative approach with your provider is key, so that you can continue to expand your offering.

What's crucial to you

Finding a system that ticks all of your boxes is vital. You might be looking for a system that can manage complicated capacities, multiple events, an online shop, memberships or gift aid - or all of the above! Listing out your requirements, before you make your choice is the best idea. Plus, think about your future expansion. What might you want you to include on your online site in the future. Think scalability! When you grow, your new system needs be able to keep up.

Test, Test, Test!

A new system is a big commitment. Before you sign up, it's important to test out all of your requirements in depth. So that you're not being promised a system that won't suit you. Make sure you get an in-depth demo and time to test on your own dummy site before you proceed.

What's Next

January is a fantastic time to shop around for ticketing suppliers. You've got the planning for the year ahead, and you can seamlessly tie your events planning, into your software requirements. Plus, with February's Half Term and Easter not too far away, it's the perfect time to soft launch and test before the upcoming holidays.

Make sure that as you move into 2023 you have online ticket software that keeps up. A user experience that is quick, easy and converts sales. Don't forget, our Business Development Team are always on hand to answer any questions.