We’re excited to announce that we’ve released three brand new Christmas Apps!
Street Finder and Naughty or Nice tie in with the existing DigiTickets functionality to enhance the customer experience once they’re on site, making their visit feel truly personalised, while Departure Board has been designed to enable you to identify and call forward customers during busy events without having to shout or hunt them down!
The first two apps allow you to display a screen to customers as they make their way through your attraction to visit Santa, which will display a personalised animation based on the information they entered when booking. It adds an additional interactive stage, as well as helping to slow down the queue without making customers feel as though they’re waiting.
Street Finder displays the customer’s street and town, moving them along a queue to announce them as the next place that Santa will be visiting, while Naughty or Nice displays the customer’s name, and puts it through a generator, declaring them either naughty or nice depending on the selection made by a member of staff.
Departure Board also uses the two screen format, but it works in the style of an airport departures board; when you need a person or family a staff member can enter their name and send it through to the display screen, where they will be called for departure.
All three apps can be seen on our Youtube channel, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEitFxq_HGQ, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebi2v19ByPU, and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsPGdS7HFjw
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Get in contact with us to discuss how we might be able to help.