We're pleased to welcome three new clients to DigiTickets this week. Following the success of DigiTickets during 2011 at Paignton Zoo, their sister business - Newquay Zoo, Cornwall's biggest zoo - will be rolling out DigiTickets next month in advance of the 2012 season.
The Ludlow Food and Drink Festival will take place of from 7-9 September 2012 and was Britain's first successful Food and Drink Festival when it launched back in 1995. It's grown considerably since then, welcoming visitors from throughout the UK and Europe.
The Festival features more than 130 top quality independent food and drink producers, as well as running lots of food-related events, including the famous Ludlow Sausage Trail, great demonstrations, talks and more! Buy your tickets online for this renowned event from 1st February 2012.
The Leprosy Mission is an International Charity that works to transform the lives of people affected by Leprosy. Running multiple events throughout the year, The Leprosy Mission have chosen the work with DigiTickets for their major event of 2012, the Flower Festival to be held at Southwark Cathedral – watch this space for full details.
The DigiTickets would like to welcome Newquay Zoo, Ludlow Food and Drink Festival and the Leprosy Mission to our growing portfolio of clients and look forward to a happy and successful relationship.
Get in contact with us to discuss how we might be able to help.
Get in contact with us to discuss how we might be able to help.